@extends('front.layouts.master') @section('content') @foreach ($sliders as $slider) @endforeach {{ __('front.rich_product_range_to_suit_your_needs') }} {{ __('front.all_products') }} @foreach ($products as $product) {{ $product->category?->getTranslatedAttribute('title') }} {{ $product->getTranslatedAttribute('title') }} {{ $product->code }} @endforeach {{-- Likelife Audio & Secure Fit Engineered for your best workout yet Shop Now Big Zomm, No Problem Up close, in tight, and worry free Shop Now Handpicked Electronics We've done the research so you don't have to Shop Now --}} {{ __('front.featured_categories') }} {{ __('front.all_categories') }} @foreach ($product_categories as $product_category) {{ $product_category->getTranslatedAttribute('title') }} @endforeach @endsection @push('style') @endpush
{{ $product->category?->getTranslatedAttribute('title') }}
{{ $product->code }}
Engineered for your best workout yet
Up close, in tight, and worry free
We've done the research so you don't have to